1. Login to InstaVR and Create an Inhouse iOS package for a project.
2. Go to Projects page.
3. Click on Invite button to invite other instaVR users to collaborate in this project.
4. “Collaboration” popup will be displayed.
5. Enter valid email address for the user whom you want to make a collaborator in this project.
6. Click on Send Invitation. A confirmation message of “Invitation Sent”will be displayed.
7. An email will be received by the collaborator in his email address Inbox.
8. Click on Join Project, It will take Collaborator user to InstaVR platform.
Note : If collaborator user is not registered with InstaVR then he will have to register/signup first with InstaVR.
9. Login to InstaVR platform. Go to Projects page. Scroll down the page to the bottom and Shared Project will be seen in “Collaborated Projects” section.
10. Now, To install the shared project’s Inhouse iOS build to Collaborator’s iOS device. Collaborator will have to login to console.instavr.co from their iOS device and go to projects page.
He will see Collaborated Project in “Collaborated Projects” section.
11. Tap on “Install” button. It will show built packages. Verify Collaborated Project’s built will be displayed to Collaborator.
12. Tap on Collaborated Project’s built package. It will show a pop up to Install the iOS build.
13. Tap on Install Button, It will start Installation Process.
14. Once Installation process is completed, An iOS App’s icon will be displayed and collaborator can access the project on his device.