VR in Tourism :
Generate Interest Among Potential Visitors Anywhere / Anytime by Utilizing Virtual Tours
Generate Interest Among Potential Visitors Anywhere / Anytime by Utilizing Virtual Tours

Convention & Visitor Bureaus, Theme Parks, Entertainment Events, Sporting Venues.

To generate interest among potential visitors by creating Virtual tours and featurettes.

Current Situation:
VR tours are a great asset for marketing departments to increase real-life visits to vacation destinations. Tourism professionals need a simple way to promote and distribute their app though.

Why Gap Occurred ?
While sales of 360 cameras have significantly increased, the actual captured images and videos are not easily distributable in raw form.

Utilize InstaVR’s platform to easily create immersive tours that can you can distribute widely.
- High Quality 360 Video/Images for iOS, Android, Gear VR and Google Cardboard
- Augment your VR tours with informational multi-media hotspots
- One-click publish across multiple platforms. For maximum impact, post to iTunes and Google Play stores through InstaVR
- Directly embed 360 tours directly on your web page

Required Resources:
- A 360 panorama camera such as the Ricoh Theta S to capture images/video
- Web Browser
- InstaVR Pro Account

Example Schedule:
- Now: Learn how to use InstaVR
- Sign up for InstaVR account (1 minute)
- Complete InstaVR Tutorial (10 minutes)
- Day 1: Capture 360 Images or Video of your vacation/tourist destination
- Day 2: Upload content to InstaVR
- Day 3: Create App home screen, augment images/videos with multi-media hotspots
- Day 4: One-click publish to iOS, Android, Google Cardboard, Gear VR. You can also embed WebVR into your web page to give visitors an interactive 360 tour. If desired, post your app to Apple iTunes or Google Play for wide distribution.
- Day 5: Add new features to your VR app without re-packaging through InstaVR’s Dynamic Contents feature